A heartwarming and memorable video has surfaced online, featuring the renowned Nigerian artist Tiwa Savage and her colleague Portable in the UK, sparking widespread conversations.
Portable, the talented artist behind the “Zazoo Zeh” hit, experiences a rare and special moment as he reunites with Tiwa Savage for the second time. This encounter evokes a sense of nostalgia and warmth.
It’s worth recalling that Portable first met Tiwa Savage in December 2021, marking a turning point in his career. He showcased his talent at Tiwa Savage’s Livespot music festival, where she responded by generously showering him with money.
Currently enjoying his time in the UK with Skepta, Portable accompanies the British rapper to the UK fashion awards, providing him with the opportunity to once again meet Tiwa Savage. As he spots her, Portable’s excitement reaches new heights, leading to a heartwarming exchange of a warm hug between the two artists.
In the video, Portable affectionately addresses Tiwa Savage as his Godmother, expressing joy at the reunion. He extends heartfelt prayers to God, wishing continued blessings upon Tiwa Savage.
Watch the video below: