Controversial life coach Blessing CEO has voiced her support for influencer Saida Boj following online backlash over comments she made about relationship expectations.

Saida’s remarks on the Honest Bunch podcast sparked heated debate, resulting in her social media accounts being reported and deactivated. However, Blessing questions why she is facing such a strong negative reaction for merely expressing her preferences.

In Blessing’s view, different women seek different qualities in partners, so men should either accept a lady’s standards or respectfully decline rather than attack them online. While Saida’s views proved divisive, Blessing argues she was simply being upfront about her self-worth and what she expects from romantic relationships.

Though encouraging women’s empowerment, Blessing acknowledges Saida’s comments struck a nerve with some. However, she believes people are entitled to their opinions on relationships and should not face censorship for voicing them, even if deemed too blunt by critics. The discussion overall highlights ongoing debates around modern dating expectations and social norms.


See Reactions below:

@frayvieremma: “So I want to understand something, when a man spends money he becomes responsible ”

@scientistelochi: “Shes right anyways , it’s like entering market to buy phone if your money no reach go home”

@LighthouseCash: “Is she a mother cos I don’t understand”

@kingdino__27: “So what point did she make here now?”

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