Popular Nigerian actor Alexx Ekubo has left many talking on social media after he shared a fun video of him alongside actresses Chioma Akpotha and Omoni Oboli. According to Alexx in a caption he shared, he and the two actresses were together from 8 pm till 5 am video of at his house.
In the video, the trio vibe to the trending song ‘Who Is Your Guy?’ by Spyro featuring Tiwa Savage.
“Hung out with my best guys from 8pm – 5am we ate a lot (you can’t come to my house & not eat good food ) & spoke about #TTCL – This Thing Called Life, & concluded that all in all, Life goes on. ❤️ Big Shoutouts to Queen @tiwasavage Nwanne’m X @spyro__official for this forever anthem. ✊,” Alexx wrote.
Watch the video below: