Chukwuemeka Emmanuel Ejekwu, a well-known Nigerian humorist affectionately known as the charismatic Sabinus, created a buzz online with his recent revelations. He candidly shared insights into his personal life and provided an exciting glimpse into his financial success.
In a recent interactive session with his loyal followers on Instagram, the content creator engaged in discussions prompted by fans. He talked about topics ranging from his financial standing to the timing of his last adventurous experience and even his favorite food choices.
When asked about his net worth, Sabinus confidently revealed a substantial amount of N930 million in his bank account.
When he was further asked about his recent intimate encounter, he shared that it’s been nearly two months.
When asked if he has a girlfriend, Sabinus answered with a “no,” although it’s important to note that he’s actually in a committed relationship with his fiancée.
Sabinus also shared that he has a soft spot for Okro soup, which is his favorite meal, and he proudly stated that Liverpool FC is his beloved football club.