Spyro, the talented singer whose real name is Oludipe Oluwasanmi David, has opened up about a long-standing struggle with pornography addiction. He shared this personal revelation during a recent interview with Echoo Room.

In the interview, Spyro wanted to set the record straight. He explained that there have been rumors suggesting that he criticizes his fellow artists for their modest lifestyles. However, he emphasized that his goal is not to use secular music as a means to promote religion.

However, the singer argued that musicians can still succeed by producing good songs.

In his words:

“I struggled with pornography for years. I’m not a saint. I go through these things. I’m in here with you guys. I’m not saying that I’m holy. Everyone is far from holy.

“And I’m not coming to preach to people that you’ve to be holy. I’m human just like you. But I’m just saying that as much as we can.”

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