A viral video recently surfaced online, capturing the Grammy Award-winning artist Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun, popularly known as Wizkid, in a state of surprise during his visit to Surulere. The reason behind the buzz is Wizkid’s commitment to fulfill a promise, when he visited Surulere and Makoko on December 11th, 2023, to distribute N100 million among children for Christmas.

Wizkid explained that the generous gesture was a tribute to his late mother. The entire communities of Surulere and Makoko were abuzz with excitement as residents gathered in large numbers to witness Wizkid’s philanthropic act.

One intriguing moment captured in online clips occurred during Wizkid’s visit to Surulere with his entourage. Amidst the security personnel and a crowd of admirers following Wizkid, a man standing on a staircase remained unaffected by the star’s presence.

Rather than succumbing to star-struck awe, the man stood his ground, calmly counting his money while observing the commotion surrounding Wizkid. After a brief moment, Wizkid, seemingly surprised that the man didn’t budge for him, glanced back, creating a memorable scene as captured by onlookers.

Watch the video below:

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