In a heartwarming display of love, renowned Nollywood actress Destiny Etiko recently made a devoted young fan’s birthday an unforgettable one.

The heartwarming video captured the moment the beloved actress moves to surprise a young fan on her special day.

The emotional story began when Destiny Etiko posted a video on social media expressing a young fan’s sincere desire to meet her in person.

In the video, a young girl known as Princess Candice is shown going to a toy store with her mother and uncle as a birthday surprise.

To their surprise, Princess Candice turned down every toy presented to her and requested vehemently to meet her idol, Destiny Etiko.

Princess Candice’s mother stated that her daughter had expressed a desire to meet the well-known actress for more than a year.

The small girl’s crush on Destiny Etiko had even become a disruption at school, drawing the attention of her teacher.

Destiny Etiko, moved by the young girl’s unwavering love, rushed to social media to promise Princess Candice a meeting, but first arranged it for a day after her birthday.

Princess Candice, on the other hand, had her heart set on meeting her favorite actress on her special day.

Desperate to grant Princess Candice’s sincere dream, her mother flew her from Lagos to Asaba on her birthday to meet Destiny Etiko.

Destiny, however, was not in Asaba on the day of the birthday, leaving the little girl distraught and in tears.

Destiny Etiko was moved by Princess Candice’s impassioned pleading and changed her mind.

The kind-hearted actress quickly headed to meet her fan, determined to put a smile on the young girl’s face.

Princess Candice received a kind message from Destiny on her social media accounts, in which she assured her that she was on her way to meet her.

She wrote;

She told her mum that all her WISH is to see me on her birthday which is today, so her mum flew her from Lagos to ASABA just to see me. Unfortunately, I traveled to the nearby town and told the mum day I would see them tomorrow morning.

Boooooooo I got this from the mum saying she is crying heavily DAT her wish of seeing me today won’t be accomplished.
Pls, my princess @princesscandice11 am driving now to see come u you, my baby. Love u too. Pls, stop crying.”

See the video below:

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