In a fascinating tale, Mr. Emmanuel Myam, also known as Emmiwuks, hailing from Ukum LG in Benue state, who embarked on a remarkable quest to see Davido, has successfully evoked a compelling response from the Afrobeats Superstar.
The devoted fan of popular Nigerian artist Davido has set out on a ride-a-thon from Benue to Lagos on a bicycle, with the sole purpose of meeting his idol.
According to reports, today marks the 8th day of the inspiring Ride-a-Thon, and he is currently en route to Benin City.
His determination and passion have caught the attention of many with the hope that his efforts will reach Davido’s eyes and heart.
Davido eventually and coincidentally stumbled upon the utterly fascinating quest shared on Twitter. Swift as a gust of wind, he issued a compelling warning, and promptly advised him to turn back as he is currently unavailable.
In response, Davido wrote;
“Turn around, I’m not home”
See post below:
A young man called @emmiwuks embarked on a Benue to #Lagos on a bicycle to meet #Afrobeat Superstar @davido He is currently on Day 8 today.
Please retweet till #davido see this@MissRozapepper @30BG_CEO @doshdmw @DAMIADENUGA
— Ssb (@ssbmuzik) August 10, 2023