Davido, the renowned Nigerian artist, delivered a heartfelt speech during the candlelight procession and tribute event for the late singer Mohbad. This emotional gathering happened in Lagos on Thursday, September 21st, beginning at 5 PM from Lekki Phase 1 Gate and concluding at Muri Okunola Park in Victoria Island.

Numerous celebrities and fans came in large numbers to pay their respects and provide a fitting memorial for Mohbad.

Davido, along with other celebrities at the event, shared his sadness about the unexpected loss of the singer known for ‘Peace.’ He made a heartfelt plea to all entertainers, influencers, and businesspeople to come together and ensure that Mohbad’s son and his family receive proper care. In his own words, he said,

“I’ve personally experienced the loss of many people in my life, so I understand the ups and downs of life. In addition to seeking justice, I appeal to all entertainers, influencers, and business figures in Nigeria to unite and ensure that his child, wife, and parents are looked after.”

“RIP Mohbad, I’m so so sad that you are not here to see the support everyone is giving you. The whole world is listening to your songs. We are going to keep your name alive and take care of your people.”

He emphasized that the candlelight procession was intended to be peaceful. Davido also encouraged attendees to return home safely and without incident.



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