Nollywood actor, Alexx Ekubo has jokingly threatened to take legal action against his colleague, Chioma Akpotha after she posted an embarrassing video of him on his 37th birthday.
Chioma joined others in wishing Alex a happy birthday and posted a video of him with a crying face. A filter used by Chioma Akpotha made Alexx’s and IK Ogbonna’s faces appear like people who were crying.
Captioning the video, Chioma Akpotha praised him for being a genuine friend and brother, and for his positive outlook on life.
She also apologized for the video, blaming Omoni Oboli for telling her to make it.
She wrote:
“Happy birthday to my dearest friend and brother @alexxekubo
You are real , nor negativity dwells in you.
God bless you and all that you find hands to do ( you know what )
Happy birthday Nwannem!
Please tell Alexx it was Omoni that told me to make that video of h in the second slide
#BirthdayBoy #AlexxEkubo”
Watch the video below: